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- Masterpiece Monday: Descent of Noah from Ararat
Masterpiece Monday: Descent of Noah from Ararat
by Ivan Ayvazovsky
This week’s Biblical masterpiece is Descent of Noah from Ararat by the Russian-Armenian painter Ivan Ayvazovsky (1817–1900).

It depicts Noah, his family, and the animals descending from the mountains, with the artist imagining the land still wet from the year-long disaster. It’s currently held by the National Gallery of Armenia.
Here’s the Bible account:
Then Yahweh God spoke to Noah and said:
‘Come out of the chest… You, your wife, your sons, their wives who are with you, and all the wild animals that are with you.
‘Bring out all the flesh that’s with you – the winged creatures, the cattle, and the slithering animals that move on the ground – [so that they can] reproduce and multiply on the earth.’
So Noah, his wife, his sons, and his son’s wives that were with him, came out. And all the wild animals, all the cattle, all the winged creatures, and all the slithering animals that crawl on the ground (according to their kinds) came out of the chest.
Then Noah built an altar to Yahweh, and he took some of the clean animals, as well as some from among all the clean winged creatures, and offered them whole… Burning them on the altar.
And as Yahweh noticed the sweet smell, He thought about it and said:
‘Never again will I curse the ground for the bad things that men do, because the imagination of men is totally bent towards doing bad things from the time they’re young. Also, will I never again [destroy] all living flesh as I have just done. Then, during all the days of the earth, the seed [planting] time and harvesting, the heat and the cold, the spring and the summer, and the days and nights won’t ever be brought to an end.’
Thereafter, God blest Noah and his sons and told them:
‘Now, reproduce and multiply… Fill the earth and rule over it. For all the wild animals of the earth, all the winged creatures in the skies, and everything that moves on the ground (including all the creatures in the seas) will have a dread and fear of you. So I have put you in charge over all of them!
You can read the whole account from https://2001translation.org/read/genesis#_8:15 onwards.
Warm regards
The 2001 Translation
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