Scripture Sunday: Psalm 1

Hello everyone!

From now on, we will send a chosen portion of scripture from our translation every Sunday. Sometimes they will be portions that were recently corrected or updated. Other times, they will just be old favorites.

Our first one is Psalm 1. Late last year, all of our Psalms had their formatting improved to make them more readable.

Blest is the one who ignores the impious
And won’t side with the sinners,
Or sit among the disgusting.
For, he wants to do the Will of Yahweh,
And consider His Laws day and night.

So he will be like a tree that’s planted near water,
And he will bear fruit every season…
He will thrive and his leaves won’t drop.
But, for the impious, this won’t be so;
For they’re like the dust that’s blown ‘cross the earth.

So, they won’t be raised in the Judgment,
Nor will sinners see the [blessings] on the righteous.
For, Yahweh knows what the righteous have done,
And the ways of the irreverent will perish.

Psalm 1

Read more, with the fancy new formatting, at

What scriptural passage would you like to see sent out in the future? Please let us know!

Warm regards

The 2001 Translation

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